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Blessed Herbal - Stability Candle

Blessed Herbal - Stability Candle

Regular price $18.00 USD
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Earth’s energy gives stability and strength to your journey into the depths of your spirit. You can form a solid foundation to build your dreams upon with the energies of this candle! It is during this journey where you will discover the true worth of yourself. It is said that the element of Earth holds all other elements and is the true source of magic. Blessing: I call on forces greater than I, to awaken the confidence that I hold inside. Ground in me your great strength, help me be stable and my soul to wake. Lift my spirits and help me be strong, so that I may learn your healing song. In perfect balance do all things live. instill this in me so like you I can give. Harming none and helping all is how it shall be. This I make true. An earthy-brown color blended candle with a cypress and patchouli blend. 1.5” x 7” pillar with a 40 hour burn time.
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